Saturday, November 20, 2010


My step-dad is in the hospital right now. While working yesterday morning he started vomiting and his arm went numb and had chest pains. He called 911 himself and the paramedics came and took him to a large hospital that has a good cardiac unit. They've done 3 blood tests and so far he doesn't have the enzyme showing up in his blood that would signify it was a heart attack. Right now we're just praying the doctors figure out what happened. It's also possible he has a viral infection in his heart. Which although sounds terribly scary to me I guess would be better than a heart attack. He's feeling like maybe he shouldn't have even called 911 because he's alive and doing seemingly well now, we're just happy he's in good hands and whatever happened can be prevented in the future.
I didn't get along with my step-dad at all when I was a kid. It wouldn't have mattered if he was the King of England, no one was good enough for my mom in my eyes. The Father's Day before I got married I was no longer living at home and I felt like I should thank him for being a second dad to me since I was ten. It was with that card that our relationship began to change. He looked at me as an adult, rather than a snotty little
kid, and I saw a man that gave up his bachelor life at a pretty young age, to be a husband and dad of 4 kids. We have respect for each other now. I am so happy that he was able to call 911 yesterday and that the doctors are trying to figure out what happened. I would hate for something to happen to him just 7 years after I finally started to give him a chance. :)

My very young family 16 years ago at my Mom and Step-Dad's wedding.

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